Roam Hawai’i was born in 2010 out of the freedom + opportunity to create. We were 4 friends, fresh out of college — kind of floating, with a ton of time on our hands. Days were spent surfing, playing, and handmaking goods to sell out of our old tiger-painted mail truck.

During early days, we found ourselves collaborating with brands like Free People, Poler, and Urban Outfitters. It was a dream come true.

As time went on, we traveled the world together seeking waves + inspiration and eventually working on our individual brands. Now, ten years later, we want to celebrate the journey that led us to where we are now . . . still best friends, still creating together, still jumping at the chance to surf together between all the chaos + life that’s happening.

Thank you to everyone who has followed our journey thus far, and we want to say hello to our new followers. Roam Hawai’i has always been about being effortless in the way you express yourself to the world — about going your own way even if no one understands you. Here’s to truly finding what makes all of us feel alive . . .